
조직도에서 대상자 및 열람자를 선택하여 작업 지시, 나의 업무 작성 / 진행률 표시 / 일정 공개 설정 가능 / ToDo 등록 시 모바일앱 알림

ToDo using

  • Work assigns, instructions: Superiors can assign tasks or instruct subordinates to do somethings
  • Personal task management: Planning and management for tasks by yourself

Check task progress and task instructions of other users
Select person in charge and viewers of a task directly

Personal task management

Record and manage your own tasks, then notify to other users(viewers in CC)

Progress Checking

업무 진행률 설정 화면

Show your task progress and inform other users about your status
Progress history view available
Show task progress by user
Task assigner/ participants (person in charge)/ viewers can check the progress of all tasks in real time.

Mobile App notification function

새 ToDo 등록 시 모바일앱 알림 화면

Notify when other users have sent a Todo to you
If you are assigned as Person in charge, you will receive a notification, but in case of viewers, you do not receive one.

ToDo folders

My ToDo

Make plan and manage your task by yourself

Received ToDo

Store all tasks which are ordered for you by other users
Store tasks ordered by yourself which include both you and other users

Sent ToDo

Store all tasks which are ordered for other users by you
Possible to check the progress of your tasks ordered to other users


If you are registered as viewer in CC of a Todo, you can check the progress of the task

Other features

  • Only Task assigner/ participants (person in charge)/ viewers are able to view
  • Time can be set in accordance with work plan period (Start Date/ End Date)
  • Priority can be set
  • After entering title, save automatically
  • Possible to load the company registered form into the editing window and use
  • Attachments can be saved to CloudDisk
  • Your created ToDo can be terminated by you
  • Participants can write a memo or leave a comment
  • Viewers are able to read the content only
  • Viewers can write a memo or leave a comment of participants' memo
  • Your created ToDo can be moved to other folders
Moon Sori
1544-4755 Ext. 505
(English Consultation Available)