
휴가 관리자(그룹웨어 관리자: 기본 휴가 설정,부여권자 및 승인권자 등록/부여권자/승인권자)가 기본 휴가 및 개인별 휴가 부여, 휴가 승인 | 개인: 휴가 신청

Holiday appointed by administrator

Groupware administrator can appoint holiday makers, holiday granters
The maker can allocate holiday for each department or each individual
The granter can approve or cancel individuals' holiday request

Holiday registration and holiday granting can be done by each company

Administrator can register number of holiday for all employees and departements
The granter is able to grant or deduct special leave to individuals or departments
Register holiday for Sick leave/ family events/ unlimited vacation
It is possible to register holiday based on Working days and Position
Days straight or Days straight (Half day off available) setting available
Renewal in units of year or month and February holiday setting available

Holiday request/ Permit

User can select a type of holiday in their given holiday and select a granter to permit their request
After received permission from the granter, holiday can be used
Individual allowed holiday days are marked to request
Choose granters in parallel(At once) and sequential(In order)
Days straight or Days straight (Half day off available) selectable
Possible to use a regular next year holiday in advance
Granter can be specified in that department when requesting holiday(Many people can be specified)
Granter can be set in advance for using later
Possile to send email to the granter
The request can be canceled before granter permits
Possible to request cancellation after granter approved

Linked to Calendar and Time-card

Approved holiday of all employees can be viewed in Holiday Schedule of Company Calendar
Your holiday will be applied in My Time-card

Other features

  • The number of approved holiday days, used days, remaining days can be identified
  • Available individual's holiday viewing function
  • Individual's holiday approved history and holiday used history query functions
  • Function of viewing registered company holiday types
  • Approval status check available (In progress/ Complete / Cancled and Deleted)
  • Function of the selected administrator privileges temporarily disabled
  • View holiday status and memo
  • Holiday history can be checked by year
  • When using vacation or sick leave, attachments available
Moon Sori
1544-4755 Ext. 505
(English Consultation Available)