Mac Messenger


맥용 메신저 로그인 이미지와 메신저 하단 이미지 변경

Login screen, messenger top titles, and bottom image can be replaced with the phrase and image of your company.


맥 메신저 알림
Notify when other user login and when a file has been received

Remote Support

맥 메신저 원격 지원

Go directly to the other members' PC and control it.
Windows PC can also be controlled.

Screen Capture

맥 메신저에서 화면 캡쳐해서 보내기

Send to the other side by selecting the desired area on a PC screen.
In captured screen, it is possible to draw a picture then send it.

Moon Sori
1544-4755 Ext. 505
(English Consultation Available)