
Automatically sync with mobile built-in contacts

안드로이드 주소록과 아이패드 주소록

You can select Company contacts, Dept. Contacts and My Contacts ty sync

동기화할 조직도 선택과 폴더 선택

Automatic updates on your mobile contacts when you modify personal information in organization chart

안드로이드 자동동기화 세팅

My Company, Public Contacts, My Contacts, Shared Contacts

그룹웹어 주소록함

My Company

All users within the company who are registered in the organization chart are displayed by default.

Public Contacts

The folder shows the contacts which are shared by other employees within company.
The administrator will create a folder to be shared and select specific user with permission they should have.

My Contacts

You can create contacts and share it.
When sharing, it is possible to set different permissions for each user (Read/ Write/ Delete)

Shared Contacts

This folder includes contacts shared with you by other users.
You are specified permission(Read/ Write/ Delete) depending on the granters

Other features

  • Variable fields can be added when registering contacts
  • Language (English/ Korean/ Japanese), sorting and searching available
  • Upload Photos/ Business cards
  • Memo search by creator or written date
  • Create folder by group and view by group are available
  • Move Folder, Move group are available
  • Able to generate an infinite tree folder
  • Possible to send email or message to individual/ group/ folder
  • Inport contacts (Import contacts from a file in CSV text format)
  • Export contacts (Save contacts to a CSV file on your PC)
  • Register avatar in Company contacts from Settings -> User Profile
  • Groupware administrator can hide Shared COntacts or My Contacts
Moon Sori
1544-4755 Ext. 505
(English Consultation Available)